Awaken your Yoni-verse with this carefully curated blend of 100% organic herbs. Yoni steaming, sometimes referred to as ‘vaginal steaming’ is the practice of using herb infused steam to strengthen, tone, heal, or support the health and wellbeing of our (physical) womanhood. In addition to its various health benefits, yoni steaming also serves as a sacred ritual, being a time of rest, relaxation and presence- a divine means to unwind, decompress, and nurture the Goddess within.
Our Yoni-verse steam is perfect for aligning the vagina, maintaining healthy pH, neutralizing odor, toning the uterus, easing cycle symptoms, increasing lubrication, and keeping bad bacteria + uncomfortable symptoms to a minimum. With notes of Lavender, Rosemary, and Rose, these herbs were lovingly curated with intentions to support your spiritual womanhood and journey into your innermost femininity as you expand your horizons of self love. Awaken your ‘Yoni-verse’ with this aromatic herbal blend designed to cultivate and maintain a healthy, aligned center of creation so that all you birth into the world may be fruitful. Nourish your mind, body, and soul to awaken the great powers stored within your Womb.